Public Profile

Sugar And Cyanide

member since February 02, 2009


Hello there fellow webcomicians! Im Sugar And Cyanide, but you may call me Rat if you wish. ( No. It doesnt make sense. But thats my other nickname, so deal with it. )
I am an aspiring Manga-ka, so expect to see some comics from me real soon! ;3 Or… Once I figure out how to work this crazy thing… e___o Oh technology, how you revel in confusing me….

May All Your Tea Parties Be Mad,
Sugar And Cyanide, a.k.a Rat

Comics By Sugar And Cyanide

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Comics Assisted By Sugar And Cyanide

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Comics Recomended By Sugar And Cyanide


Kat is a very scared little girl. One Halloween night Kat summons the courage to go trick-or-treating, but instead of recieving candy, she accidently opens a strange box that unleashing invisible monsters upon the world, along with the Boogey Man.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

It's about zombies. :D

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!

Sugar And Cyanide's friends

  • The Satoshi
  • theends
  • xcentrikz
  • Short_Circuiting
  • Tcb
  • Volte6
  • Survival Artist
  • riartha
  • that kid yellow
  • Amelius

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